Endocannabinoid System Wellness for Women’s Health.
Mother Earth blessed us with an incredibly medicinal plant that directly nourishes our uniquely structured Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Cannabis has been used for centuries to treat a variety of symptoms and illnesses related to women’s health. From pain relief and sleep support to having antipsychotic and neuroprotectant properties, the potential benefits of consuming cannabis are vast. The criminalization of the plant in the early 1930's removed our ability to study and access its medicinal qualities for several decades, but it is time to bring cannabis back in to our wellness tool boxes. And we are here to teach you how and why.
The demanding world we live in conditions us to accept the disregulation of our ECS as a normal way of living. Consuming caffeine and alcohol are socially accepted methods to cope with the stressful demands of a career-driven and/or family-driven lifestyle. Throw in a pandemic and rising cost of living and we have a recipe for disaster. Although nobody bats an eye at regular caffeine and alcohol consumption, these crutches significantly disrupt our bodies' abilities to operate optimally. Feeling exhausted and burnt out does not have to be your “new normal” and we are here to teach you how to properly nourish and regulate your ECS.
Our objective of this course is to empower you to put your health back into your own hands by nourishing your ECS in the most effective ways possible. This means being in tune to your body’s needs and using tools and techniques that both include and go beyond cannabis consumption. Using current research of cannabis for managing women’s health conditions, we will show you how this incredible plant can act as a baseline support for your burnt out system as it targets your body’s most basic necessary functions; sleep, pain control, and mood regulation. Once you have regulated these functions, cannabis then becomes a catalyst for other healthy behaviour changes, which leads to improved quality of life. Intentionally nourishing your body with cannabis as well as incorporating other practices that condition the ECS can allow you to step in to your full potential, no matter what health conditions or ailments you currently live with.
"Our culture forces us to keep pushing, pushing, pushing. We overstretch ourselves, our expectations, our bodies, and our time. We race breathlessly to keep up with never-ending to-do lists, put everybody else's needs first, and juggle career and family. We look outside ourselves--relying on magazine articles or male-centered health research--for healthy living strategies rather than listening to the inner wisdom of our biochemistry. As a result, our physical health is deteriorating. Fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrom (PCOS), infertility, low sex drive, premature ovarian failure (POF), and challenging perimenopause are all on the rise. Chronic stress takes a toll on our bodies, our abilities to pursue our dreams, and our bonds with the people we love. At our deepest levels, we feel we're not good enough, not smart enough, not organized enough to achieve what we desire in our lives"
- Alisa Vitti (In The Flo)

Documented uses of cannabis for women’s health
History of cannabis
Cannabis stigma for women
Access to cannabis for medical purposes
What is the ECS
ECS Dysfunction
Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Theory
ECS Regulation
TCN + Co Theory of Wellbeing
ECS Intention Setting
Components of Cannabis
Phytocannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, THCV, CBDA, THCA
Methods of Consumption
Medical Market
Recreational Market
Grey Market
General guidelines for adult women
Calculating your dose
Menstrual cycle considerations
Sample Titration Schedules for CBD + THC
Adverse + Acute Side Effects
Psychotic Disorders
Heart Disease + Stroke
Unstable Kidney, Liver + Lung Disorders
Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome
Pregnancy + Lactation
Cannabis Use Disorder
Stories from real women who use cannabis to support their health
Downloadable resources: journal prompts, ECS intention setting worksheets, cannabis tracking journals + MORE
Chat access to TCN + Co and other course registrants for questions, comments + community building
NO quizzes or exams! Work at your own pace!
Add-on mini-courses specific to women’s health conditions and current cannabinoid research (COMING SOON)
Hormonal Conditions
Peri-Menopause + Menopause
Reproductive Health
Chronic Pain Conditions
Mental Health + Sleep
Wondering if this is the right course for you?
If you can answer YES to any of the following questions, then it is absolutely right for you:
you are a woman or identify as a woman (no need to have the biochemical profiles or fit within traditional gender roles here, we welcome all who are curious. Heck, we even welcome the males exploring this education for the beloved women in their lives)
you are currently suffering from any number of female-specific health conditions
you are tired of your current health regimes not working for you
you feel like you've tried everything without success in managing your symptoms
you have never tried cannabis but you are curious in how it might help you OR you are a cannabis consumer but feel like you haven't fully tapped into the potential of the plant’s medicinal components
you feel disconnected from your body and feel like you have lost control over your health
you want to learn some tools to help you live your best life possible

ECS Wellness for Women's Health
ECS Wellness for Women's Health
$200.00 + GST
Payment can be made by credit card or e-transfer