Kala Sanmartin
TCN + Co Founder and Co-Owner, Holistic Cannabis Nurse Coach
Kala graduated from Grant MacEwan University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in 2012. Since then, she has worked in homecare as a case manager, as a university clinical instructor and as a triage nurse in the emergency room.
After obtaining her medical cannabis documents and effectively treating her insomnia and anxiety (with no side effects), she knew she wanted to become an advocate for this plant as medicine and absolutely fell in love with the research. Cannabis gave Kala her life back and she wants to help others experience what she has. As debilitating as her experiences with insomnia were, Kala is forever grateful for them. She was introduced to the incredible healing powers of cannabis, which not only gave her freedom from sleeplessness, but helped launch The Cannabis Nurses + Co.
Here is a comprehensive list of Kala’s educational credentials and courses:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
CIINDE© Certified Holistic Cannabis Nurse Coach
Creator of an accredited Holistic Cannabis Nurse program through The CIINDE©
Good standing with CARNA (College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta)
Clinical Cannabinoid Medicine Curriculum - The Medical Cannabis Institute (TMCI) Global
Cannabis Competent Nurse: Canadian Edition Certification of Completion through Cannabis Competency Professional Courses
Cannabis and Motherhood by Dr. Michelle Ross
Migraines and Cannabis by Dr. Michelle Ross
The Canadian Cannabis Syllabus – The Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids
Heather Wilkinson
Rec T (BSc. Kin, BARST) CSEP-CPT, RYT-200
TCN + Co Co-Owner, Holistic Cannabis Educator
Heather graduated from the University of Alberta in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. She worked as an Exercise Therapist at a private physiotherapy clinic for 6 years, creating progressive exercise programs for individuals with work injuries and chronic pain conditions. After completing her second degree, a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport + Tourism, Heather became a Recreation Therapist and started work at a tertiary rehab hospital in Edmonton. In this setting she worked with a variety of populations with chronic and acute conditions; Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury + General Neurology, and Specialized Geriatrics (including cognitive and behavioural conditions). Heather is passionate about holistic care approaches to health and wellness; empowering individuals to establish their own meaningful goals using multi-factorial and strength-based approaches to address all components of a human being, not just honing in on a diagnosis.
Heather came to cannabis for wellness reasons in a darker period of her life. Following a difficult pregnancy and delivery of her second child in 2021, she was struggling with unmanaged traumas and debilitating post-partum depression and anxiety. Kala met Heather with open arms and a wealth of education. Cannabis was the missing tool needed to process deep traumas, increase her capacity to be a present parent and soothe years of anxieties. It also became the catalyst to leaving a triggering work environment to join Kala’s side at the helm of The Cannabis Nurses + Co, a move she will forever be grateful for. Heather now channels her passion into education through Cannaware Workshops, social media management, website development and program creation. Drawing on her background as a Recreation Therapist and Yoga Instructor, Heather also plans and facilitates wellness retreats dedicated to nurturing the Endocannabinoid System, showcasing her commitment to holistic approaches that address all facets of human well-being.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hi there, my name is Sierra. I am a Registered Nurse working in the beautiful city of Victoria on Vancouver Island. I have been practicing as an RN for the past 12 years and have worked in a variety of settings such as Neurology/Neurosurgery, Stroke and spinal cord rehab and Occupational Health. I have always loved working closely with patients/clients coaching and empowering them towards their most optimal level of health and wellness. I have always focused my practice on the "Heart" of nursing, in developing strong therapeutic relationships and viewing the client as a whole person not just a task or a checklist of things that need to be looked after. I was drawn to Cannabis nursing by seeing the inspiring work that Kala, our co-founder, was doing with the Veterans in her area. To see how this amazing plant positively impacted her life and then use it as a catalyst to provide help to others was truly profound. I hope to be able to also use the power of the cannabis plant to empower the clients that I work with to live healthier and fulfilling lives.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hello, my name is Candice and I am a Registered Nurse with a Masters in Advanced Practice Leadership. I have an advanced certification in holistic nursing through the Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education (CIINDE) a program recognized by the Canadian Nursing Association (CNA). My nursing experience is in post-secondary education including teaching clinical and theory courses and I was employed in mental health. I am passionate about coming to know individuals and tailoring care to meet their needs. I work from a strengths-based perspective that walks with people on their journey towards promoting their health and quality of life across the lifespan. I am drawn towards nursing with a focus in cannabis care, as I feel passionate about supporting people in nourishing their endocannabinoid system through its many forms including yoga, breathwork, and healthy lifestyle. I look forward to partnering with you and learning from you as we promote your overall wellbeing.
Kylie Morey
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Meet Kylie, a registered nurse with a background in emergency, intensive care, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy nursing. After facing burnout early in her nursing career amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, she shifted gears. She began exploring the role of the nurse in the rapidly evolving realm of the beneficial use of cannabis and psychedelic-assisted therapy.
Her interest in plant medicine actually began in 2016, after being prescribed a medication that completely ruined her appetite, she began accessing medical cannabis; she's married to a chef after all - a girl's gotta eat! In her first year of nursing school (pre-legalization), Kylie wrote about the stigma cannabis consumers face in the medical system. All of this led her to the CIINDE Institute, where she found the course she'd been searching for, Holistic Cannabis Nursing. She immediately signed up and tore through the curriculum. After receiving her certification, Kylie joined The Cannabis Nurses + Co and began seeing clients.
This opportunity has completely changed the way Kylie can show up as a "Registered Nurse." No longer pressured by the time constraints of emergency nursing, she can now take the time needed to understand her clients and how their conditions impact them in every aspect of their lives. Her greatest joy is hearing her client's share their incredible transformations after learning how to nourish their endocannabinoid systems (ECS) with and without cannabis.
Beyond her dedication to nursing, Kylie is an avid (yet mediocre) golfer. She enjoys spending time with her family and two dogs, Bronson and Monty (the proud nursing school support dogs). Kylie enjoys being in the front row at comedy shows, seeing live music, and exploring the world through travel. She is also incredibly frugal and will always find the best deals (and creative ways) to nourish the ECS with quality cannabis products and puppy snuggles.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hi, my name is Katrina. Cannabis has been a part of my life since I was 14. It is a powerful plant that I feel passionate about. I started by using it recreationally and it took me a long time to realize that I had been self medicating in the process. Cannabis has helped me weave my way through my anxiety disorder that can be debilitating. Working in ICU for 15 plus years on shift in a high stress environment work has broken my ability to sleep and left me with PTSD. I then made the move into the community in home care. Here I gain experience working with people in their homes to help navigate the health care system and provide care. I start to get questions from clients wondering how to use cannabis that are faced with stigma.
More and more I am grateful for what this plant can offer. Now I move towards helping others gain benefits from this plant as well. My hobby at home is growing cannabis; it is so fun to see how it grows and the difference between strains. Together let's get over the stigma and see what this plant can do to improve quality of life.
Anastasia Molen
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Graduating from MacEwan University in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, I embarked on a dynamic career in healthcare. My journey began in the intense realm of intensive care, where I honed my skills before finding my niche in continuing care, with a specialized focus on geriatrics. My passion lies in addressing chronic pain and implementing lifestyle management strategies to enhance the aging experience. Committed to making a positive impact, I thrive on blending clinical expertise with a holistic approach to healthcare.
Christina Tomé
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hello! My name is Christina and I was born and raised in Edmonton. I graduated from the University of Alberta in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. When I am not cannabis nursing, I work in the ER at a small rural hospital outside of Edmonton as well as in the Pulmonary Unit at the U of A Hospital. During covid, I was redeployed to the ICU to help out with the Covid pandemic and little did I know I would end up with PTSD and on long-term disability for 18 months. During this time, I had been searching for cannabis nursing programs in Canada and was discouraged when I could not find any. Then I met Kala and Heather and my dream of becoming a cannabis nurse came true. During those 18 months of recovery, I successfully completed the Holistic Cannabis Nursing Program through the CIINDE Institute.
Since developing PTSD, I credit cannabis as one of the most valuable tools to help me navigate my PTSD. I view cannabis as a gift from mother Earth; I hope to play a part in breaking down the stigma and educating people about the benefits of cannabis and how it can be used in maintaining mental health and well-being.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Meet Jocelyn!
Jocelyn was born and raised in Newfoundland and Labrador where she graduated from Memorial University's Bachelor of Nursing program in In 2004. Following so many Islanders before her, in 2006, she headed out West to Calgary AB. After many years of ICU/Critical care nursing, growing family demands, and some personal struggles, Jocelyn eventually shifted gears and happily found work life balance in Endoscopy Nursing where she continues to work on a part time basis.
Over the last two decades spent nursing in Canada’s Public Health Care System, Jocelyn continues to witness discrepancies, strains and limitations of this system, often seeing clients left without any additional help for complex diseases and their associated symptoms, and sometimes, without any actual diagnosis for their reasons for seeking care. The lack of a Holistic approach is becoming more and more evident as patients are often left to keep searching for answers, not knowing where to go. As Medical Cannabis use continues grow, clients are fearfully beginning to admit to using cannabis as medicine, and often roll the dice as to whether they're faced with judgement and stigma or some form of mild acceptance in our hospitals.
In her personal life, Jocelyn unapologetically embraces Cannabis as a wonderful and natural tool to enhance her creativity, calm inner anxiety and restore balance in an often chaotic life of parenting demands and bedside Nursing. Currently completing the Holistic Cannabis Nurse Coach certification program, Jocelyn is loving her journey in learning how to help others discover the science of their own Human Endocannabinoid system (ECS), and how cannabinoid medicine can help them regain control and take back harmony in their lives. She looks forward to connecting with the many other Nurses and Health Care Professionals advocating for a resurgence of Cannabis Care. When Jocelyn is not working, she can often be found camping in Nature, or living her best life on Roller Skates!
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hello, I'm Kylie! I started nursing by working in Interventional Radiology and Cardiology, but for the last 4 years I have loved my inner city team in emergency at the Royal Alex. Cannabis was never a part of my plan, but after seeing it work its wonders on friends and family (and even myself), I am eager to help others on their healing path.
Nursing is so much more than vital signs and medications, it is communication and building relationships, helping those around you grow in mind, body, and strength. Cooking is my love language. You can often find me in the kitchen creating a new plant-based meal, laughing with my better half, or out playing with my dogs. I love tarot, powerful conversations, and mindful movement. I can't wait to embark on this journey together.
SAra sheptycki
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hey there! My name is Sara and I am a Registered Nurse who graduated alongside co-founder Kala many moons ago. Although our nursing journeys initially lead us down different paths after graduation, I was compelled to reach out and reconnect when I heard about her endeavors with The Cannabis Nurses + Co. I have found such inspiration in what TCN+Co offers to not only the patients and communities utilizing the plant, but also for what it can provide for the profession of nursing and health care providers as a whole. Education is the key, as I firmly believe knowledge is power! Having spent more than a decade on the frontlines, I am excited for a chance to work in a holistic role with an opportunity to build therapeutic relationships, while educating and supporting those who are interested in utilization of the cannabis plant.
RN (BSc.N), MS - Integrative and Functional Medicine with Concentration in Medicinal Cannabinoid Science (in progress)
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Meet Natalie! Originally from Ontario, she graduated from the University of Ottawa with a BSc in Nursing before moving to Alberta. She has worked 17 years as an Emergency RN and over the last 3 has transitioned to sharing her professional time between there and a Naturopathic Doctor-led Integrative Health Clinic, seeking balance and strengthening her beliefs in the importance of preventive and supportive care, as well as lifestyle and natural medicine.
In the interest of furthering her ability to support and empower others in achieving optimal health, and bridging the gap between realms of health care, she has embarked on an educational journey into a Master’s of Science in Integrative and Functional Medicine with a specialty in Medicinal Cannabis and is looking forward to sharing this knowledge with anyone who is ready for it through The Cannabis Nurses + Co.
In every other moment you will most likely find her playing outside in nature.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Hi, I’m Dana Clay and live in southeast Saskatchewan. I am a Nurse Practitioner and have been nursing for 20 years now. My background includes acute care (general medicine, cardiology, and oncology), home care, long-term care, and primary health care. In 2021, I moved into independent practice because I wanted to offer holistic services where I can take my time with a client, really listen to their story, and work together to create a plan that suits them. That is why I love The Cannabis Nurses. I found them by taking a course through the CIINDE (Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development and Education) called the Holistic Cannabis Nurse Program, and the rest is history. I got to re-educate myself and learn the truth about the history of this amazing plant and embrace the benefits of Cannabis. I use it to support my menopausal symptoms, such as reducing hot flashes, increases length and quality of sleep, elevates my mood, and eliminates my low back pain. What I love about this company is that as holistic nurses we can support our clients by providing evidence-based education and resources and guide them throughout the entire process, offering support along the way physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually…where else does this happen??? This is what nursing is about!!! I am beyond grateful to be part of this group of amazing, compassionate, and fearless nurses. I love working with all age groups, but menopausal women and pain management for mature adults is my focus.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
I've spent the last 10 years exploring multiple avenues of nursing. I've worked on surgical floors, emergency rooms, ICU settings, and chronic disease management roles. I was drawn to the notion of practicing Holistic Cannabis Nursing after seeing the challenges so many people experience struggle to manage their conditions, in multiple environments. I felt like there had to be a better way to help people. I've always felt very results driven, and I can attest to the power and positive results I have seen and experienced when it comes to Holistic Cannabis Care.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Kelly has been a nurse for 14 years with a wide range of experiences from acute, emergency, and critical care to working in remote northern Manitoba nursing stations. She joined the CIINDE faculty as an advisor for the Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Coaching Certificate Program. Kelly currently works out of a wellness clinic in Winnipeg, MB, and has obtained her Cannabis Care for Nurses Certificate tosupport her holistic practice. She is always building her foundation of what holistic nursing means in her developing practice, and as a way of life. Her passions are learning about energy systems and healing, dream work, and intuitive medicine, as well as studying the effects of stress and trauma on our bodies (physical, mental, spiritual, and biofield). Her practice incorporates these aspects for clients and students as they navigate their learning and healing journeys. She would love for individuals to be able to have more control over their health and gain the confidence to take an active role in healing by utilizing their gifts and discovering their divine nature to guide them.
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse (Nova Scotia + Ontario)
With over 20 years of diverse nursing experience, Colleen's career began in NICU/L&D and evolved through roles in post-op acute surgery and geriatric nursing. After relocating to Nova Scotia, she completed her RN to BSCN program at Dalhousie University in 2015.
Over the past six years, Colleen has increased her awareness of holistic nursing, become a yoga enthusiast, and achieved certification as a Reiki Master. She sees the person as a whole and works with them from a place that means the most to them.
Colleen has lived within the military community for over 20 years and is very excited to be working with veterans and their families through cannabis nursing. Recently, she has specialized in cannabis care through the CIINDE, positioning herself as an advocate for plant-based medicine with a focus on functional wellness.
Currently working part-time with the Nova Scotia Health Authority, she is on track to complete the Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach, and Nurse Consultant certifications by early 2025. Passionate about supporting individuals towards wellness, Colleen has witnessed firsthand the benefits of cannabis in alleviating distressing symptoms related to cancer treatments, MS, anxiety, and PTSD. She dreams of a future where people are empowered to achieve wellness.
Colleen is a mother of 3 and a fur mom of 4. She loves to be out in nature and is well-known as an eclectic spiritualist, supporting the spiritual and energetic bodies of the human being as a part of the whole person wellness approach to caring.
RN (BSc.N), CCHNC, BC-NC, Functional Medicine Practitioner
TCN + Co Holistic Cannabis Nurse
Natalie graduated from University of Northern British Coulumbia with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing degree in 2013. Since then, Natalie has worked in rural BC as a Public Health Nurse, Home Health Case Manager, Regional Home Health Educator, and Nursing instructor at a local college. She is a Board Certified Nurse Coach (BC-NC) and a Functional Medicine Practitioner.
Natalie recently moved with her family to the beautiful Yukon, where she continues to pursue her passions of holistic nursing.